Angular 5 Learning Experience — Part 6
Interpolation , property binding ,class binding,style binding,event binding(template reference),two way binding
Interpolation Syntax — {{exp}}
- exp — can be a variable in component
- can be a public method in component and return string {{expmethod()}}
- {{window.location.href}} — cannot be accessed directly. Because global scope won’t be available in template. But through component method we can access
Property Binding -[getter]
Interpolation supports only strings. But if we want to manage booleans and other datatypes then need property binding
Ex: <input [disabled]=”propertybinding” value=”somevalue”/>
in your class
public propertybinding=true; which binds the property.
Class Binding — [class]=”property” , [ngClass]=”object”
<h1 [ngClass]=”styleclass”>text</h1>
public styleclass={“color”:blue;}
<h1 [class.text-danger]=”property”>text</h1>
<h1 [class]=”styleclass”>text</h1>
Style Binding -[Style.Color] ,[ngStyle]
<h1 [style.color]=”color”>text</h1>
<h1 [ngStyle]=”property”>text</h1>
Event Binding — ()
<button (click)=”function”> Click </button>
<button (click)=”function($event)”> Click </button>
Binding — # on an element
<input #bindingvar >
<input (click)=”somemethod(bindingvar.value)”> → This will pass dom element
Two way Data Binding —[( ngModel)]
Need to use FormsModule
<input [( ngModel)]=”nametobind”>
Stay Tuned for next post