Angular 5 Learning Experience — Part 3

2 min readJul 6, 2018


Service and Dependency Injection

Service is a broad category encompassing any value, function, or feature that an app needs. A service is typically a class with a narrow, well-defined purpose. It should do something specific and do it well.

Services looks similar to Component. But it got its own Decorator @Injectable() . MetaData for Injectable Declared as below

Note **@Injectable() → denotes otherservice can be inject in to an Service

Injectable MetaData Link

Basically we are creating a model class and annotating with Injectable decorator and that makes a service

After creating service we need to inject them to component. To do import it in your component which requires it. Then use them part of the component constructor and angular will inject them for you

import { CalendarService } from ‘./calendarService’;

export class CalComponent {

constructor(private calService:CalendarService) {



  1. If the service injected in AppModule level , then it can be used by all components under it and not above ( top to bottom)
  2. If the service injected in to Component level, then all child components can use it?

3. Service can be overridden in providers statically as below


4. For dynamic override use like below. You need to use a factory. If Factory got dependency , then users deps key


ex: factory=(service1,service2) =>{



Sample Service Link on StackBlitz

Part — 4




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